
Using the Public Mint blockchain

Transactions in the Public Mint blockchain are quite similar to Ethereum, with one key difference: for now the USD token is the same as native blockchain token.

Read on to learn your way around the basics.

Just like Ethereum, transactions in the Public Mint blockchain can either read or write to the blockchain. While read-type transactions are free, writing (i.e. changing the state) entails fees. Ethereum fees are paid in ETH. In contrast, all fees on Public Mint are paid in fiat.

Creating a wallet

If you haven't created a Public Mint Web Wallet and don't have your own, then the first thing you need is a wallet. Start by connecting to a node - check the previous section to get the code.

After that, it's simple:

const web3 = new PublicMint(2019) // test network

const {
} =

// Add first account

// 0x4389Af2E0515dDFe3453B1bD748aDfD5e2598cFd
const walletAccountPrivateKey1 = "0xba6cdfcc795484a9774eb98e756983da822ef3481b37d4ba649864e2d1ab4e5e";

And that's it - keep them safe and don't show anyone. Please DO NOT send funds into the addresses above as they are published on the internet, taken from the web3.js documentation.

Looking up your balance


Within the code, Public Mint uses the same monetary units as Ethereum when referring to its native tokens - Wei and Ether. Even though the name is the same, within the context these units represent tokenized fiat.

Let's use PublicMint-web3.js to get the balance of a Public Mint address.

 const myBalance = await"address in wallet");

Sending Funds

Here is what you need to do to send funds to another Public Mint address.

Follow the steps above to get a wallet and check your balance. Here's the code snippet to transfer tokens:

const {
    toToken// Convert 'USD'/'ETHER' into small blockchain unit 'wei'
} =

const transferReceipt = await<destinyAccount>, toToken(10))

More transactions

For a comprehensive list of transactions with examples, please check the web3.js documentation's list of methods.

Last updated

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