These endpoints are deprecated and will be discontinued by November 1st. Please make sure you migrate your implementation to the new deposits flow.
To initiate a deposit, create a deposit object via the /deposits endpoint. If you want to create an ACH type deposit, you need to have created at least one transfer method in order to make a deposit.
POST /deposits
GET /deposits/:id
GET /deposits
The deposit object
The deposit object represents a request for depositing fiat into the blockchain. You can create or retrieve an identityId's deposits via request to the API. Or, if you manage multiple identities in the network, you can also retrieve a list of deposits for all of them.
Deposits are identified by a unique, random id, and relate to a user's identityId
This endpoint allows you to add a new deposit to the database. If all the params are valid, a new record will be inserted in the database with the deposit information.
Request Body
Amount of the deposit
Currency associated to the deposit funds
Id of the identity associated to the deposit
Blockchain address to where the funds will be minted
Note: The transferInformation object needs specific information depending on the kind of deposit you intend to create. In the example bellow, you can find the information necessary to create all the deposit types.
Example Call
POST [ENVIRONMENTHOSTNAME]/deposits// BODY for Wire deposits{"amount": "11","currency": "USD","identityId": "{{identityId}}","blockchainAddress": "{{identityId}}","transferInformation": {"transferType":"wire" }}// BODY for International Wire deposits{"amount": "11","currency": "USD","identityId": "{{identityId}}","blockchainAddress": "{{blockchainAddress}}","transferInformation": {"transferType":"internationalWire" }}// BODY for USDC deposits{"amount": "11","currency": "USD","identityId": "{{identityId}}","blockchainAddress": "{{blockchainAddress}}","transferInformation": {"transferType":"scUsdc" }}